Job Description: Tutor of Adult Literacy
REPORTS TO: Tutoring Coordinator
PURPOSE: To provide individual or small group tutoring to adults ages 18 and older who read at a level lower than the twelfth grade. Goals are set to improve reading, writing, math, technology, or English as a second language.
Required Training: Complete 12 hours of training within one year of registration. See Training Blueprint.
If choosing Group Tutoring: Tutor choice (3 hours per class offered weekly)
If choosing Individual Tutoring: 2-3 hours a week for one year, minimum
- High school diploma or equivalent
- Be able to read, write and speak the English language well enough to communicate clearly both orally and in written form.
- Be able to use video chat technology on own devices
- Ready to learn new skills and new ideas.
- Respect for/willingness to work with people who come from different cultures, races, ethnic backgrounds, or economic levels; and who may have different religious beliefs or values.
Specific Responsibilities
Group Tutoring:
- Participate as a tutor in selected (or all) weekly classes, following the Group Tutoring Guide
- Complete end of class observational surveys
- Maintain contact with the program.
Individual Tutoring:
- Plan and conduct at least one (1 hour) tutoring session per week.
- Keep a record keeping log that includes number of volunteer hours (see below)
- 1 time a year Progress reporting-meet with coordinator to share work, notes, lesson plans.
- Work with the student as a peer and involve the student in all decisions about instruction.
- Maintain contact with the program.
Individual Tutoring Record Keeping Log
End of Year Reporting- submit by telephone or online when requested:
- The number of hours the tutor spent in lesson preparation, tutoring the student, and traveling are tracked annually.
- Date you first contacted the student
- Date tutoring began
- List of student goals
- List of progress on goals
For each lesson- A lesson plan framework is provided
- Lesson date
- Lesson length
- A description of what was covered and what materials were used
- Notes on what skills need reinforcement in future lessons
- Copies/photos of student work kept in a portfolio
Notify Tutoring Coordinator immediately:
- Of any change in contact information (for student or tutor)
- Of any decision (by student or tutor) to terminate involvement in the program or to discontinue tutoring for a period over a 3 week duration.