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Weekly classes for adult learners and interested community members, in person or on Zoom. 

Community Connect “Classroom” 

In Community Connect participants gain new learning around the specific topic of the class. They practice habits of co-learning such as listening, sharing, exchanging ideas, and building on the ideas of others. Survey data shows that participants see themselves not only as members of a classroom learning community, but able to share information with friends and family as well.

Weekly classes include writing workshops, book discussions, and presentations by local organizations. Collaborators include The Maine Humanities Council, Mt. Blue TV, The Daily Bulldog, Maine State Museum, Healthy Community Coalition, United Way of the Tri-Valley Area, League of Women Voters, New Ventures Maine, and The Maine Cash Coalition. 

Participant feedback:

Community Connect is a learning space where I always learn something I didn't expect to learn based on the book or topic of the day, so it surprises me!

Community Connect is members of our community sharing information (to) help better their community. 

I am so happy I found Literacy Volunteers of Franklin and Somerset County. :)